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7th October 2022 in

Product Update: Vatom Market Now Offers Scheduled Auctions!

Fiat Auctions are here!

Have you ever wanted to auction your digital collectible NFT to sell it at a fair price? Or maybe you are a buyer and want to receive the digital collectible on sale? Vatom has the solution to this challenge: We are allowing businesses to auction NFTs and end users to purchase those NFTs (currently, auctions only support credit card purchases and do not support auctions with crypto payments… yet).

Auctions will allow greater flexibility for sellers to receive the true value of their NFT and can change the outcome with their own marketing efforts.

Auctioneers will simply schedule their auction for a particular time and day, add a minimum bid price and bid increment and you are on your way.

Auctions are set up after you create your NFT in Studio in the distribution section. Just ensure you create an NFT that only has 1 edition if you would like to set up an auction.

To learn more about creating an auction, check out our tutorial.

To learn more about participating in an auction, check out our tutorial.